TOF and I were anticipating a move later in the year. He had been offered an interstate transfer and for the last little while we'd been looking at the real estate market in Melbourne, discussing where we would like to live and how we would like to live, what was important in a home and what was optional.
Then the last Federal budget hit and although nothing was said, we suspected the move may not happen. This suspicion proved correct last week.
However, one foggy, freezing Sunday morning a month or so ago we were out door knocking for the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. As we finished our area, a house was being opened for viewing.
A week later. Oops.
We settle in two weeks and are looking forward to living in the same house for more than a few days at a time for the first time in more than five years.
And so the consolidating, the culling and the packing begins.
I have culled about a third from stash, finding welcoming new homes for all of it. This is what stash looks like now, in our new garage (we have access to the garage for storage).
We have also moved most of our preserving equipment and stash over. This is the great wall of Fowlers Jars (added to since this photo was taken). There will be no further accumulation of jars. Ever.