Using 50gm of 8-10ply thick and thin yarn and a 6.5mm needle, cast on
Knit front, back and front into this stitch (3 stitches)
Next Row: Slip 1 purlwise, k across the row
Next Row: Slip 1 purlwise, k front and back in the remaining two stitches (5 stitches)
Increase Pattern:
Row 1: Slip 1 purlwise, k across the row
Row 2: Slip 1 purwise, k front and back of the next stitch, k to second last stitch, k front and back, k1. [I used a safety pin to mark this side of the fabric so I could keep track of my bias knit row - this made it a REALLY mindless knit]
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until you have 21 stitches on your needle, ending with a Row 1.
Main Pattern:
Row 1: Slip 1 purlwise, k front and back of the next stitch, k to last three stitches, k2yog, k1.
Row 2: Slip 1 purlwise, *yo, k2 tog, repeat from * to last
Row 3: Slip 1 purwise, k front and back of the next stitch, k to last three stitches, k2tog, k1.
Row 4: Slip 1 purlwise, k across the row

Repeat rows 3 and 4, 7 more times to complete pattern repeat.
Complete rows 1-7, 9 more times (10 pattern repeats), then rows 1 -4, once.
Decrease Pattern:
Row 1: Slip 1 purlwise, k2tog, k to last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1
Row 2: Slip 1 purlwise, k across the row
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until 3 stitches remain.
K3tog, break of yarn, draw tail through stitch and darn in ends.
If necessary, lightly steam press under a cloth to block.
Finished dimensions of my scarf in this yarn were 9cm wide and 115cm long.
Fabulous quick knit (less than 4 hours) - great for handspun.
Help me here. Read over your pattern directions. The Main Pattern section is all increases, every other row, beginning and end. Won't it just get wider and wider and wider - forever? Shouldn't that have a decrease at one end, increase at the other to keep the bias going, but also to stay at a given size??
I was playing with your pattern and a bit of my own handspun, and noticed this.
Do! Slaps forehead with hand. Yes, Petunia, you're absolutely correct. I've amended the pattern to correctly read k2tog at the end of that row.
Thanks for letting me know. Hope you have fun with the pattern - all feedback welcome!
Gorgeous, Gorgeous,'s perfect for my early atempts at hand know the thick and thin bit.
I also have a question similar to that of Petunia's. You end the increase pattern with 21 stitches and then increase to 25 stitches on row 1 of the main pattern. You get thru the first pattern repeat of 1-4 and then 3-4 7 more times. I think the next line after that should read rows 1-6 not 1-7 - (1,2,3,4,3,4) and then the next 6 of 3,4 BUT on the row ones you should not be doing the double-increase or each pattern repeat will be 2 stitches wider than the last. Help ?????
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