I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people. I acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Seven Things - Week 6

The arrival of the pavers has shifted my focus somewhat. 

We have to sort the pavers into the clean and the to-be-cleaned (ie have concrete smashed off them), and stack them in orderly piles not too far from where they will be laid and leave enough room for the bobcat to come in and dig us a spot to lay them.

It's bloody hard yakka and TOF's doing the lion's share.  When we're done it will double the size of the "living area" of the house by giving us a very substatial outdoor space.  We're discussing the relative merits of pergolas, raised garden beds and colourbond fencing and whether we'll create proper parking space for the car etc.

we were doing well until Vinnies had a half-price sale
  • 1 pr shoes - TOF $3.50
  • 1 all-weather jacket - TOF $5
  • 1 black skirt (new with tags) $3.50
  • 1 summer dress $2.50
  • 2 books (spending my birthday cash)  bought retail but at 40% reduction.
  • 1 project bag - GIFT
  • 1 notions pouch - GIFT
  • 2 hair clips - GIFT
  • 2 plastic coat hangers - the type that come with purchase - RECYCLING
  • 1 dress.  Standing in front of the mirror, lovely.  Sitting down however, poorly filled sausage. - OP SHOP
  • 2 cake tins.  The snowman cake tin and the Humphrey B Bear cake tin have been lying idle for at least a year.  I've not ever used either and am unlikely to.  OP SHOP
  • 1 skirt - OP SHOP
  • 1 tank top - when do I ever where pale pink?  I know why I bought it.  It was $5 and it was new.  I am getting better at not buying stuff just because it fits and is cheap, but there is the occasional lapse.
  • 1 pr socks.  Do you remember slouch socks in the 1980s?  Well these were the last captive pair and the elastic went.  BIN
  • 1 pr trousers.  Grey velour - why????  giving these to Mum. GIFT
  • 2 blue tooth headseats. Like penguins and swans they mate for life and their mates have departed - took out the magnets for creative re-use but otherwise - BIN
  • 5 books selected from the overflowing piles at TOF's.  I said if he could correctly identify the ones I'd removed he could keep them.  OP SHOP
  • 3 bags - OP SHOP 
Nothing finished but several things at blocking stage although just when the ironing board will go up is anyone's guess.

Does moving and cleaning hundreds of pavers count?  Not yet, but when the paving is finished, it is sooo counted!

IN 9
OUT 19

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