Mum with Rosie, 24 May 2007
You know, the woman who recently took up knitting after a 12 year rest.
The woman who has knitted through my 8ply stash in two months, making well in excess of 50 pairs of wrist warmers to date.
The woman with whom I had this conversation over a cuppa this morning.
Mum: "I was thinking about that sock wool you saw at the market last week."Taph: "Mmmm?"
Mum: "The nice printed stuff that was 3 balls for $25".
Taph: "Oh yes, the Opal."
Mum: "I was thinking you should have bought some."
Taph: "But I have a lot of sock wool already - I don't really need more just now."
Mum: "I meant for me."
Taph: *gobsmacked stare as comprehension dawns*
Mum: "I could do socks; they look like fun."
Now she wants to share the sock stash. She's not a mother, she's a moth!
Love it :) go mama-bear!!
thanks for the tips on the knitpicks - as soon as i posted I went to tapestry craft and brought a stack of them. I did it as soon as the website opened!!!
Oh no!! Your mum will need her own stash so yours will be safe!!
I feel your pain. My mother is on the socks now. I have given her sock yarn for Mother's Day and birthday so far this month. They gave birth to us . . . what argument do we have??
Hmmm, a good yet worrying development! Any chance of offloading sock yearn you're not so keen on, and replacing it with nicer stuff for yourself?
LOL - yearn - yarn - what a Freudian typo ;)
Hey, look at it this way. You and the rest of the family will know what to get her for birthdays, Mother's day and Christmas for at least the next 24 months!
I'm gob-smacked that you gave up chocolate, spicey food and wine TOGETHER! One is understandable - all 3????
What a wonderfully sneaky idea from jejune. She sounds like she grew up with a lot of sisters.
I bet your mother has a preference for the lovely self-striping stuff while she's yearning for yarn.
Cheers Gillian
I would say "You've created a monster!", but I'm not sure it works because she actually created you. How about..."You're enabling a sock monster!" or something to that effect.
I'm not surprised she's attracted to the good stuff...must run in the genes.
oh this post had me in fits - it sounds like my grandmother.
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