Right and wrong don't apply to knitting patterns. You drop stitches or you don't, that's all. Amy Witting, "Isobel on the Way to the Corner Shop".
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Seven Things Week 69
I'm tired, I'm over it and it's Christmas week. And there may have been an accident involving Lincraft and bargain Australian Country Spinners $5 yarn packs.
Seven Things will return in the New Year.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Control or How I Plan to Do More in the Time Available Without Actually Cloning
My column headings are
- :date due:
- :craft type:
- :portability: (because time at home and awake and able to concentrate on craft = about an hour a day but I can usually squeeze another hour or two in by having portable projects with me at all times)
- :recipient:
- :item:
- :materials (what to use and if I had to acquire anything else):
- :date to be given:
- :notes: (I find it useful to record if I need to blog the project and on which blog - helps me remember to take photos etc)
In the madness of the days before Christmas I needed to feel in control of something so I invested 3 hours uploading (newly acquired) boodle to Ravelry, searching for and queuing patterns, annotating both the queue and the stash record with the pattern info and printing out the patterns. Another few hours here and there were invested in gathering together yarn, pattern, needles and notions and popping them all into project bags (this is where having waaaaay too many needles etc. comes in really handy). I attached a tag to each project bag with a sample of yarn. The tag lists pattern information, due date etc. and contents of bag. Bags were then divided into portable and home projects with some of the portables stashed in a box in the boot of my car. On the sewing list is extra project bags!
PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENT - SEWING.Fabric and notions stored with pattern (or at least the scrap of paper with my idea sketched on) and either put in a bag with a label, or pinned to the garment with a label with details of date due, notions and work needed. If I haven't finished something, or it's something I can do in stages, I leave a note of where I'm up to. Trust me, you can sew on several buttons between putting dinner on and turing the chops.
I'll let you know how it all works, but at least I feel organised and potentially super-productive.
Do you have a favourite craft organisation or time-management tip?
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Seven Things Week 68
1 pr socks - gift
1 set stitchmarkers - gift
2 lots of smellies - gifts
1 Tupperware container - Salvos
2 sets knitting needles - Vinnies/Salvos
3 vintage knitting patterns - Aussie Junk
1 set car mats - gift
4 balls wool - Vinnies
1 ball winder - Aussie Junk
2 biscuit cutters - retail
OUT (33)
1 set car mats - bin
2 plastic containers - bin
7 assorted bottles & jars - recycling
2 posters - recycling
1 pr sunglasses - bin
9 swimwear pieces - gifts & donations
4 prs shorts
5 singlet tops
1 blouse
SIAA (0)
not a solitary thing finished but I'm still on track with next year's birthday gifts.
IN 16
OUT 33
Thursday, December 18, 2008
New kid on the blog
And for those of you who read the Christmas present post, he assures me that it's BUYING socks that's the no-no - "hand knitted socks are completely different" (which is a relief for next year).
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Funny ha-ha or funny in my head?
The bloke turned to his female companion and whined "I hope we sit down soon, my legs are sore."
I was tempted to demand he drop and give me five for such a complaint (why yes, I have done boot camp).
Funny ha-ha or just funny in my head.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Seven Things Week 67
1 set glasses (Vinnies & Salvos yielded a set of the tasting glasses from the Murrumbatemen Moveable Feast to add to our collection)
1 pr Halex knitting needles ($2 Vinnies)
1 hand winding mobile 'phone charger ($5 garage sale)
2 shirts - fabric and sewing a gift from Mum, buttons and finishing my own
1 shirt - Salvos
2 knitting magazines
2 Tupperware containers
OUT (36)
1 polar fleece jacket - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 set wine charms (another set) - GIFTS & DONATIONS
12 buttons (on two shirts) - SIAA
1 hand towel - GIFTS & DONATIONS
20 clamps - GIFTS & DONATIONS
SIAA (3)
1 camera cosy
1 beret
1 scarf
OUT 36
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Camera Cosy
The result was a not brilliant. The yarn was a little thinner than that used in the phone sock so tension was a bit loose, the sock was both a bit wide and a bit long. The camera did not fit snugly.
As it took less than 2 hours to knit, I cast on another one on 3.25mm needles over 40 stitches and 40 rows and 2 hours later I'm much happier with the result.
For the record, the camera - an Olympus something or other, is 10cm long x 6cm wide x 2.8cm deep. The sock is 11.5 cm long and 4.5cm wide.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Seven Things Week 66
Books will be interesting. I am still going through Dad's library, so I suspect that I'll be BookCrossing my own collection and ingesting his at the same time. The aim is for no nett gain and perhaps a little nett loss with that one.
The uncluttering sites and books are not at all helpful here. They are invariably written by heartless wretches and nowhere can I see discussion about how significant objects actually are. No, they are not people. It's my Dad's book, not my Dad. But Dad valued these objects and some of them have a great deal of significance for a lot of reasons. One thing I have found during 66 weeks of 7-things is that it is immensely important to acknowledge the significance of things in one's life and that you must be truly ready to let it go or regret will gnaw away at you.
So I do what I've done with 7-things. I do the easy stuff first.
Ephemera, journals and duplicates all go first. I find loving homes wherever possible, knowing that the material will be respected. At last resort is the Lifeline box.
Next I tackle the subjects that have little meaning for me or other members of the family. Again, donation to people who do see meaning and value in the topic is the preferred method of disposal. I am stymied sometimes by members of the family who are emotionally unable to accept even the books that they want. At the moment I'm indulging their feelings but Mum's patience is wearing thin and she wants the room for other things. It's tempting to box and wrap them and put them under the Christmas tree.
Yarn is a bit difficult. The Old Flame and I were discussing our respective stashes (my knitting/spinning stuff and his skiing stuff) recently and agreed that mine's a little different because I'm stashing snow as well as skis. It's summer now, time for a thaw. Perhaps when the weather gets a little warmer.
IN (10)
1 mp3 player -$10 for a new 2g mp3 player
1 set videos - gift
1 top - $5 Salvos
1 skirt - $12.50 Vinnies (a leetle pricey, but it's lovely and will be my birthday outfit for this year)
1 sofa - gift
2 prs socks - new
2 polar fleece jackets - they were Dad's but they are good quality and they fit so I'm hanging on to them.
1 vase - Secret Santa gift
OUT (77)
1 butter dish - GIFTS & DONATIONS
11 books - GIFTS & DONATIONS
5 bags beading bits - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 bag yarn - GIFTS & DONATIONS
8 sets knitting needles - GIFTS & DONATIONS
3 plastic containers - GIFTS & DONATIONS
2 knitting patterns - gifts & donations - GIFTS & DONATIONS
2 bathroom accessories - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 bag hair accessories - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 soft toy - GIFTS & DONATIONS
5 pieces of fabric - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 drink bottle - RECYCLING
7 storage jars - GIFTS & DONATIONS
4 prs trousers - GIFTS & DONATIONS
3 doylies - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 tallboy - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 mirror set - GIFTS & DONATIONS
4 clothes hangers - RECYCLING
2 picture frames - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 pr boots - BIN
4 sets spectacles - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 pr socks - BIN
1 set wine charms - GIFTS & DONATIONS
SIAA (2)
1 neck warmer
1 proto-type camera cosy
in 10
out 77
nett out 67
Friday, December 05, 2008
Industrial action
The two things are not unrelated. Knitting helped me give up smoking. Certainly one is much healthier than the other and the social benefits of, say, the charity hats, far greater than chucking cigarette butts on the ground. Economically, I'm sure cigarette sales exceed yarn sales but wouldn't it be fabulous if the opposite were true?
It is then, surely, reasonable to have the odd break during the day to feed my addiction in the same way the smokers in the workplace take time out for a smoke.
I wonder if I can get it into our next workplace agreement?
Thursday, December 04, 2008
1. Bad time of year for anything except washcloths (although I did that for the volunteers at work a few years ago)
2. Too many to knit for with a single deadline.
3. Christmas gifts are, to me, generally less personal than birthday gifts.
So I go the commercial route for Christmas and the hand-made for birthdays.
In an idle moment* last week I compiled a list of who would be getting knitted love next year for their birthdays, when their birthdays were, an idea of what I thought I'd make them and what was in stash to support it. Eeeep! January-April there are 8 birthdays with 13 knitted pieces planned. May-Dec, 3 birthdays with 5 knitted pieces planned. Quick revision of number of pieces reduced the Jan-April figure to 11 knitted pieces, but half the birthdays and 6 knitted pieces fall within 8 days in April!. Knitting is now timetabled until then end of July. There is not much room for slippage until the 27th of April (and I'm behind this week already) and there's at least 3 other projects due by the end of January.
In play, also, are developing pattern ideas, two exhibition pieces, incidental gifts, probable special requests and/or commissions, market stall items, baby stuff, projects for me or for fun and charity creations.
Lucky I enjoy knitting, huh?
* ok, I was in a meeting and in need of diversion. If I can't knit, I can at least think about knitting
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
More scarves
Scrap-busting side-to-side scarves for the gift basket - these will probably go to the nieces for their birthday in February.
Blue Monday - variety of yarns, some held in multiple strands over 120 stitches on 8mm needles with a self fringe.
Ruby Tuesday - variety of yarns, some held double or quadruple over 130 stitches on 8mm needles with a self fringe.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
It tones nicely with my blue beret from last winter and should be a bit of a boost next year when the late winter "I'm so sick of my black overcoat" blues set in.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Frugal and/or Free - What's sauce for the goose
DATE: 19 November 2009
SOURCE: Salvos, Tuggeranong
OBJECT: Corningware Saucepan with liquid measurements on the inside
NOTES: I had to be talked into this one. I know it's gorgeous, in mint condition and suitable for both normal people and southpaws, but its original price was $20. I would not have paid that. As it was, all bric-a-brac was half price and the Voice of Frugal Reason insisted I bring it home. I love it.
Also on I Op Therefore I Am - ACT.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Seven Things Week 65
1 wallet (brand new $9 Vinnies)
1 laundry trolley ($10 garage sale)
3 sewing patterns ($1 Aussie Junk)
1 glass ($1 Aussie Junk)
1 tupperware container ($1 Aussie Junk)
1 sewing pattern (50c Vinnies)
1 knitting pattern (50c Vinnies)
1 knitting magazine (subscription)
1 spinning magazine (gift)
1 bag spinning fibre (EGMTK's fibre club)
OUT (39)
1 wallet - gifts & donations
1 laundry trolley - gifts & donations
12 balls wool - gifts & donations
1 pr tweezers -bin
2 towels (for Mum to make into a bathrobe for my birthday)
9 buttons (5 for my bathrobe; 4 for last week's sarongs -forgot about them until this week)
2 sets knitting needles - gifts & donations
1 laundry basket - gifts & donations
8 clothes hangers - gifts & donations
SIAA (2)
2 blanket squares
OUT 39
Friday, November 28, 2008
Frugal and/or Free - Sit On It
Date: Sunday 15 November
Place: Second-hand Sunday participant, Kaleen
Objects: Concrete surrounds and two vintage kitchen chairs.
Investment: $0
Notes: For the thrifty gardener, this concrete edging is fantastic. I was given a whole heap of it a couple of years ago which edged my driveway. Makes mowing easier, too. Had to bring this home when I saw it - Dad would be proud. The chairs are for my front porch and may not last long, but they were free and sometimes I just have to have something for the sake of it.
Also on I Op Therefore I Am - ACT.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Frugal and/or Free - White wash
Date: Saturday 22 November
Place: Garage sale, Ngunnawal
Object: Lightly used laundry trolley
Investment: $10
Notes: Replaces the expensive and very short-lived version from Howard's Storage World bought a few years back and which only lasted a couple of months. The problem - welded supports which kept breaking. This one has the metal supports through the frame and should last MUCH longer.
Also on I Op Therefore I Am - ACT.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Frugal and/or Free - Second Hand Sunday 20 November
We score within the first hour - a 4 burner BBQ with gas bottle. I stand guard while the Old Flame returns home for the trailer. The owner is downsizing and is pleased to get rid of her almost new bbq. We've been discussing the need for a BBQ for months and have even spent time in retail outlets checking them out. This will do for now and suits the budget very well indeed.
We also picked up a crock for vinegar making (still looking for a vinegar mother - anyone?), a box of books, a Microsoft ergonomic keyboard, some concrete garden edging and two 50s dining chairs.
We left this fella behind. Poor Humpty looked lonely on this hideous couch. It's not obvious, but his eyes and belt buckle are gorgeous paua shells and he nearly came home for those alone.
Date: Sunday 15 November
Place: Second-hand Sunday participant, Amaroo
Object: Nearly new 4-burner BBQ.
Investment: $5
Notes: The BBQ was free but the Old Flame had to buy a lid for it, so Aussie Junk got $5. The BBQ came with the gas bottle (not pictured). We've had 2 meals off it and there's still gas in the bottle. We suspect it had been used no more than 3 times before we got it considering it's general state of cleanliness.
Also on I Op Therefore I Am - ACT.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Frugal and/or Free - Release the Moths
Place: St Vincent de Paul op-shop, Gungahlin
Object: Brand new Oroton wallet (kanagroo leather, buttery soft)
Investment: $9
Notes: Replaces the $3 op-shop wallet which I've had exactly a year
Monday, November 24, 2008
Stylin' yarn

I haven't tried Burrawool, but KMS has and she loves it . I'm trying to curb my desire for this yarn but it fits so well with the Boodle Development Policy (local, indie, chemical free, only comes in natural white, black or grey etc...) that it's hard. If we just happen to be driving through Robertson at any time, it will mean I was meant to have some of this fibre.
Country Style is available at the Dickson , Tuggeranong and Woden branches of the ACT Public Libraries. And you can still buy it in the shops if you're so inclined.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Seven Things Week 64
4 Tupperware containers (garage sales - total spend $3)
1 cotton blanket (gift TSS)
1 saucepan ($10 at Salvos half price sale)
46 balls yarn - Patons Jet at $3 a ball and some Bendigo 8ply from Vinnies. All of this is destined for Mum's charity knitting, but it will live here for a while first, so I thought it best to count it in.
2 chairs (free Second-hand Sunday)
1 CD (gift TSS)
1 extendable arm ($2 fete)
1 hat for the races ($10 Vinnies)
1 lipstick (gift TSS)
2 prs reading specs (new - I can see, I can see!)
OUT (5)
4 placemats - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 table runner - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 scarf
2 sarongs (from the sheet TSS gave me last week)
IN 60
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Seven Things Week 63
1 bra - gift from Mum
57 balls of yarn - gift for charity stash via TSS
2 jumpers for unravelling - gift for charity stash via TSS
2 circular knitting needles - came with the charity yarn
1 suitcase - it's what the yarn came in
1 sheet - gift from TSS
1 bag spinning fibre - EGMTK fibre club
15 balls yarn from a Ravelry destash, but it matches yarn in boodle and now I'll be able to make four garments (sometime) instead of stashing lovely yarn indefinitely.
OUT (30)
11 knitting patterns - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 jumper - GIFTS & DONATIONS
3 cardboard boxes - RECYCLING (yes, I have a hoard of cardboard boxes which I keep thinking I'll use but which I never do - these were too big to be useful so I dropped them off to the local paper recyclers, there are more to come once the (mostly) documents that have been dumped in them are decanted and filed.)
6 hair dyes - BIN (don't really want out of date chemicals near my head - bought on sale more than 3 years ago and not a single one ever used)
3 big Australia Post boxes- GIFTS & DONATIONS
SIAA (1)
1 beanie
IN 80
OUT 30
Nett OUT -50
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Maintain the Rage!
We got to re-enact the journey of the day throughout Old Parliament House. The House of Reps, the Senate, the Cabinet Room, the Prime Minister's Office, the Press Gallery etc.
Knitting the the Senate, in the public galleries of which I was made to surrender my knitting - I was only 8 or 9 at the time.
TSS & I knitting in the House of Representatives. I deliberately took green knitting.
And triumphant with the (replica) mace topped with a TTWC which TSS knitted during the tour.
At least four guides told me that knitting was forbidden in Parliament House. Yeah, I know. If you live long enough, you win!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The liquid fire of strong desire I've pour'd it in each bosom
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Seven Things Week 62
IN (5)
1 uncut sewing pattern 50c @ Aussie Junk.
2 tops - hand-me-downs from Mum
1 pr jeans - $3.50 at Vinnies
1 pr pantihose - $2.50 at Vinnies
OUT (20)
16 balls and cones of wool. There was more than 16 x 50g equivalents in this lot, but it came down to weighing and doing the sums or actually getting it out the door. GIFTS & DONATIONS 3 tops - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 pr stockings - BIN
Nothing finished this week.
IN 5
OUT 20
Friday, November 07, 2008
My tocher's the bargain ye wad buy
Thursday, November 06, 2008
New this coming year will be a seat at the Brumbies home matches. My Old Flame has been a ticket holder for years, and I'm a bit partial to a game of footy, coming from an ecumenical sporting family where, although AFL is the family creed, we are just as happy at Union, League or soccer. Now that I think of it, the first rugger match I ever attended was in 1983 to watch the Old Flame play. He remembers it was a bitterly cold day, I remember his thighs - funny how people remember the same event differently. ;)
Film will be taken care of by the ANU Film Group again ($60 for movies March-November. TSS is about to calculate exactly what we spent per movie this year, but it's about $1.75) but we don't pay that until February.
On the performing arts side, we're renewing for The Song Company - only three concerts in Canberra, but such bliss!
And on last night we attended the 2009 season launch for the Canberra Theatre. Yes, it really was a year ago we attended the last one . I was pretty uninspired by this year's line up, but next year - here are my picks:
- Bell Shakespeare Company's all women version of The Taming of the Shrew and
- Sydney Theatre Company's production of Elling, which was so eloquently and enthusiastically presented to us by Pamela Rabe.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
A braw new naig wi' the tail o' a rottan
- I enjoy our cultural traditions
- the Old Flame enjoys the races and a flutter (it's where my dour Scots Presbyterian heritage runs up against his riotous Irish Catholic one) and
- because free entry to the race meetings is a perk of our rather expensive membership.
There were horses; bookies; women in skimpy clothes, ridiculous hats, fake tan and, later, sunburn; men in suits with silly shoes and ties; champagne and knitting.
Actually, I overspent the $20 budget by $1.50. A round of champagne for 3 cost $16.50.
We were kindly and generously befriended early in the day by a woman who invited us to share her table in the members' bar. She's a horse owner and also "owns" her table for the year. As there is a ballot for unowned tables for major meetings like this one and seats are $50 a pop, it's a fortunate person who gets bottom real estate in the airconditioned comfort of the members' bar. Our new friend's table was right on the finish line so we had a grand view of the local races as well as the telecasts of the Flemington carnival and other interstate runs.
And we got home in time to enjoy a bit of gardening.
*We get the day off in Canberra because our local Labor Government wanted to shaft the Federal Howard Liberal Government for introducing industrial legislation that made our union picnic day illegal and the majority of Commonwealth public servants work in Canberra, making it one fewer productive days for the Federal Government. It may or may not change back now that Kev runs the national show and
Monday, November 03, 2008
But we hae meat, and we can eat
I approach Christmas with mixed feelings. Celebrations will be different this year. We'll be starting new traditions which is lovely, and farwelling old ones which is sad.
Some things don't change, though, and that will be the menu Chez Taph. Traditional baked meal (ham, pork and turkey with as many veg as can fit on a plate) and Christmas pudding for afters with an alternative of fruit sorbet for the gluten and/or dairy intolerant among us.
Apologies if this is too soon for some of you (or too late), but I bought our Christmas turkey and joint of pork today. I feel more organised now.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Seven Things Week 61
2 vintage Patons patterns ($1, garage sale)
1 Alice Starmore knitting book ($3, garage sale)
1 Two Fat Ladies cook book (20c, garage sale)
1 ball vintage Patonyle. (gift from TSS)
OUT (18)
6 balls yarn (returned to K-Mart because they charged me full price on them, not the reduced price)
12 balls yarn GIFTS & DONATIONS
2 TTWC s
IN 5
OUT 18
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Which, by degrees, slips round her neck

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
And hands the rustic stranger up to fame

Oh Aussie children of the 70s and 80s, do you recognise this male knitwear model from a Patons pattern from the very late 1960s?

For more vintage pattern fun, read Chocolatetrudi's stories here and here.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
An' I maun guide it cannie
Five vintage Patons patterns - two for my collection, the rest for mates (20c each) , Alice Starmore's Knitting Patterns of the British Islands ($3 - best price on Abebooks $45 + postage from NZ!), a pear for TSS's collection ($1) and Two Fat Ladies Ride Again (20c).
Not a bad haul of $5.20.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Seven Things Week 60
IN (76)
73 balls of yarn - OOPS
1 digitial set top box
1 book - review copy from publisher (more of that later)
1 rice/project bag - GIFT
OUT (1)
1 ball yarn
4 beanies
NET OUT - 75
Thursday, October 23, 2008
And makes him quite forget his labour and his toil
It may have been disconcerting for some people at a professional seminar last Friday, to see TSS sit down in the row in front of me in the last session of the day, casually extend an arm over the back of the seat, remove the TTWC from my hands and proceed to knit.
It certainly amused my old colleague sitting next to me, particularly when I photographed it.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Might weel awauk desire
The Old Flame and I had to pop into K-Mart to get a digital set top box (cheaper than getting the outside aerial and wiring fixed). We got to within a few metres of the security gate when I spotted it - a trolley half-full of yarn and a sign indicating all balls 10c. I may have leapt like a cheetah on her prey at that moment.
Seconds later, as the balls were flying and I was muttering "wool, ack, ick" the Old Flame caught up with me, took one look and declared he would get a basket. He brought the basket, left again, and returned with a trolley and helped me sort through the piles for the wool. He has a good hand and could tell the wool from the ack without looking at the ball bands.
Time lost all meaning as the yarn frenzy escalated, so not only did I not question what happened next, I immediately complied.
A heavily accented voice murmured urgently in my ear, "Quick, you come with me!" and the woman who belonged to the voice tugged my arm. The Old Flame said "Go, I'll find you" and the next thing I know I'm chasing after the sprinting woman. It did occur to me that this was perhaps a little odd, but by then we were near her destination - the partially denuded faux-Feathers/Ostrich section of the yarn aisle where she began thrusting the garishly printed stuff into my arms. Turns out that although it was marked 70c a ball, the register was charging 10c. She'd already bought 50 balls and was going back for more, but having witnessed the onset of my yarn frenzy, was generously sharing. It took a little while to assure her that as grateful as I was, the yarn was all hers.
The Old Flame found me in the yarn aisle assaying for the Patons Jet and Cleckheaton Vintage Hues (all $3 a ball). Not as cheap as others had got it for on the other side of town, but roughly half price and cheap enough for socks for the Jean Colvin Hospital. Some of the yarn was out of reach so my Old Flame found a large metal trolley, climbed up on it and began tossing down balls of yarn.
Here he is grabbing the last of the Vintage Hues.
And that is how I came to buy 73 balls of yarn this week, more than half of it balls of pure wool for 10c a ball, and how our relationship survived its first yarn frenzy and the post-frenzy gleeful giggles every time I looked at the trolley. I know it wasn't a pretty sight.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Whose hearts the tide of kindness warms
My project bag of choice is the cotton rice bag - they work for me on lots of levels (thrifty, green, washable, good size etc...). A colleague saw me knitting from one the other day and offered to give me his; which was kind.
One arrived today, with this note -
I guess the reference to this year's Booker winner is reasonable for one librarian to another, but it's still smart and made me smile. I'm 45th out of 99 on the request list for this book in the ACT Public Libraries - more copies on order, so that should change pretty quickly.
Monday, October 20, 2008
'Bout vines, an' wines, an' drucken Bacchus
A group of us hired a mini-van and did the Murrumbateman Moving Feast a couple of weeks ago. I lost count of the number of wineries (5?), plus the wine show tasting. It was a damp day, and cool without being cold - lovely for trundling around the countryside sipping wine and eating. Doonkuna was our first stop at about 10.15 - and this the first and last beanie completed. Another was begun and knitted on, but food and wine took precedence.
We ended up having a revolting cassoulet at Dionysus Wines for lunch but made up for it with a couple of desserts - dark chocolate cheesecake and lemon tart. Pick of the day was the lemon tart at the friendliest winery - Mackellar Ridge. They also had free brewed coffee for the designated drivers (like the Old Flame).
And this is pretty much my idea of heaven -I'm knitting in the wine cellar at the Helm Winery, and my Old Flame's nearby (he took the picture). The only thing missing is the fur children.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Seven Things Week 59
IN (66)
50 wine glasses - 11 gifts with purchase and 39 from Aussie Junk ($10). Disposable plastic wine glasses are vile - on so many levels. This little lot means we have enough on hand for summer parties, bbqs etc. without resorting to the awful plastic or having to wash up half way through or hiring glasses.
2 reusable bottles with stoppers - 1 gift from TSS, 1 op shop purchase - for summer bottling
2 prs trousers - $2 Vinnies
1 vintage Patons pattern - $1 Vinnies
5 stationery trays - free c/- the Old Flame
2 prs knitting needles - SALVOS
1 reel knitting-in elastic - gift from TSS
1 costume for party this weekend - Vinnies
1 DVD player. This came home a couple of weeks ago and I forgot about it. Ooops. Secondhand.
1 cd with Musica Viva 2009 subscription brochure
OUT (30)
24 balls yarn - GIFTS & DONATIONS
6 sets technical notes - RECYCLING
1 blanket piece
OUT 30
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Where Infamy with sad Repentance dwells
Monday, October 13, 2008
I am my mammny's ae bairn
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Without a penny in my purse, To buy a meal to me
The Old Flame is getting into the culturvorian spirit. He took me for a cup of tea prior to TSS's exhibition opening - free tasting at T2 in the Canberra Centre!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Seven Things Week 58
IN (3)
1 Tupperware container - new, I had a little accident at a Tupperware party a couple of weeks ago
2 knitting magazines - newsagency on a low day when VK was in stock. I'm only human.
OUT (10)
1 pr jeans - GIFTS & DONATIONS
1 coffee measure, broken - BIN
8 balls yarn - GIFTS & DONATIONS
2 scarves
OUT 10
Nett out 7
Friday, October 10, 2008
owre the wee bit cup an' platie

Should a blast. I'm really looking forward to seeing TSS's collection in a new light particularly my favourite, the Kaleidoscope House.
If you're in Canberra anytime between now and 26 January - get thee to Canberra Museum and Gallery for The Shopping Sherpa's exhibition of modern dolls' houses.